5 Common Dental Problems in Kids

The dental health of a child is a top priority for parents, but it’s much easier to know how to stay on top of their needs if you know what to look for. For this purpose, it’s worth knowing the most common dental problems children commonly face, so that you can adjust their habits and oral hygiene to ensure long-term dental health!

Children can face the same sort of dental health problems as adults, but there are 5 common issues that most kids are at risk of:

1. Cavities

The bond between sugar and children is unbreakable, as most parents come to learn rather quickly. Everyone knows that eating lots of sweets increases your risk of cavities, but just because you’ve managed to swap your child’s candy with something healthier doesn’t mean their risk of cavities decreases.

Cavities from when food particles and bacteria are not properly removed from the child’s mouth, as a result of poor oral habits like not brushing or flossing regularly. Even healthy foods can lead to cavities if these food particles are left to attract bacteria!

2. Dental Emergencies

Children are prone to accidents. Especially if you have a very active child, you are probably used to the minor cuts and scratches occurring on almost every play date. But, children are also prone to dental accidents such as teeth chipping, cracking, or even knocked-out teeth.

The good news is that in most cases, these pediatric dental emergencies have very quick fixes, so remember to reach out to a dentist right away!

3. Heightened Tooth Sensitivity

Children will commonly feel pain or discomfort when food and drinks are too hot or too cold. This can be caused by a lot of issues, such as:

  • Cavities
  • Permanent teeth erupting
  • Cracks or chips
  • Braces or other orthodontic treatments, etc.

4. Alignment Problems

It’s rare to get perfectly straight teeth without a bit of intervention, so as your child’s permanent teeth start growing, you will likely notice a few different issues, such as overcrowness, gaps, or even overlapping teeth.

The good news is your child has lots of orthodontic treatments available to straighten their teeth such as braces or even Invisalign!

5. Fear of the Dentist

Going to the dentist is nobody’s idea of a good time, and even adults can struggle with a bit of anxiety during their appointment. But children are more likely to be fearful, especially if they are already experiencing some dental pain. This is resolved with the help of a compassionate San Diego pediatric dentist who can prove to your child (and maybe even to you) that there is nothing to fear!

Bring Your Child to Sprouting Smiles Pediatric Dentistry in San Diego

Sprouting Smiles Pediatric Dentistry is here to help make sure your child’s smile is perfectly healthy and happy! To get started, please book an appointment with Dr. Wendy Yang in San Diego today!

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